3 hours /

With or without private car

4 hours /

With or without private car

Your Street Food tour, a culinary experience

Don’t you think eating is a big part of the experience of getting to know a new place or celebrating the ones you already know? This is an experience for those who like food, colors, flavors, and those good smells that let you know something good is happening in the kitchen. We will start with a coffee to get you going, and after that, we will check the roots of everything: the free markets, where the ingredients are often bought. Great places, full of colors and life, where we will blend with locals shopping, buying, and get to try some of brazil’s best fresh ingredients. The tour will continue to some “botecos”, which are the small bar/restaurant type of places so common in Rio for people to hang out while having a drink and some “petiscos”.


Prices depend on the season, the number of cumulative hours of visits and the number of people.



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